
Work is a huge part of most of our lives, and we all want it to feel good and have meaning or purpose. We’ve seen good work and needed services interrupted, diverted or squandered because of internal organizational challenges. It doesn’t need to be that way.

Building Collaborations

Solve complex problems better, see the benefits of “one plus one is more than two”

What would it look like if your collaborations were working really well, if everyone was pulling together in the same direction? 

Sometimes it can feel like the people who need to work together on a project or team don’t do that in a good way … and your organization and the people you serve are paying the price. Feeling stuck is not inevitable - it is possible to cultivate skills that make work flow smoothly … and even can make teamwork pleasurable! Dream with us … together, we can map your current strengths and needs, and identify potential goals of your collaborative work. And we'll help you develop the communication, networking, project coordination and other skills needed to make it happen.

Engage in constructive conversations about hard topics (hint: “under the rug” doesn’t work!)

Working with Conflict

Is conflict harming your organization’s ability to get work done? Bringing tension to everyday interactions?

Conflict is inevitable in life and at work – and it almost always feels painful to everyone involved. Decades of research into conflict lets us know that sweeping conflicts under the rug escalates and intensifies bad feelings and fuels unintended negative personal and organizational outcomes. We’ll share with you models, tools, and strategies to face conflicts directly and provide training to develop your capacity to have the conversations no one wants to have. Creative conflict means you’ll be able to say yes – and no – with greater clarity and compassion for yourself and for others.

We all want to matter, belong, grow and be effective

Developing Teams

Wouldn’t it be nice to imagine everyone wanting to come to work together, getting along and being productive? 

Long-term team dissatisfaction, silo-ed efforts and poor communication can negatively affect your organization’s ability to carry out its mission. We can help you talk about what's working - and what's not - and support you in balancing individual, team and organizational needs. Together, we can build buy-in, address resistance and harms, develop capacities, and create productive collaborative structures. It is possible to develop inclusive, well-functioning teams that get results!

Focus on Process

The journey is the destination.

How does work get done – and not get done – in your organization?

We’ll work with you to identify the contexts and communication patterns that shape how work gets done and gather data to create a picture of how roles and responsibilities match up. Together we can engage your teams to figure out collaborative designs for meetings – guide meaningful conversations, identify strategies to bring the right people into the room, communicate decision-making patterns and even discern how many meetings are necessary. We’re road-ready for the journey to join you to mapping paths to your best outcomes! 

How we help:

Training, facilitation, and capacity building

Working with cultural humility and/or fluency

Coaching and conflict resolution

Aligning resources, people power, and organizational priorities

Analysis of organizational structures and systems

Integrating information
and data

 People, Process & Mission

Our Approach:

We help create collaborative workspaces.
We help develop internal capacities to get work done.
We help you stay on track to meet your goals.

Let’s Connect!

Schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Call to see how we can help. No risk. No commitments.